10 Fun Facts About Gen Z You Need to Know - Karen McCullough (2024)

What You Need to Know About Gen Z

Gen Z very recently entered the workforce, and they’re already expressing their opinions, rewriting workplace norms, making their Millennials colleagues feel old and a bit outdated.

Gen Z, with members born between 1997–2012, is 70 million in size, and they are the most diverse generation in U.S. history.

What is Gen Z Known For?

Did you know that Gen Z’ers are the true “digital natives” born into the era of Wi-Fi, Google and social media? They may be the true digital natives, but they also crave face-to-face connections. More than 90 percent of Generation Z prefer to have a human element to their work.

What are the values of Gen Z?

Gen Z is known for being resourceful, independent learners who value diversity and inclusive culture and place a priority on well-being and mental health in the workplace. They are fiscally conservative with a keen focus on investing and income. Gen Z values justice and equity. They have a heart for mission, and the drive to get it done.

In this article we will explore all the fun facts about Gen Z.

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Here Are 10 More Gen Z Facts You Need to Know

If you're still asking yourself, "What makes Gen Z so different?", this article is for you. Read on to learn about Gen Z.

10 Fun Facts About Gen Z You Need to Know - Karen McCullough (1)

The first fact about Gen Z is that they are the most diverse generation in US history. As the population of the United States continues to grow, it’s becoming increasingly diverse. This shift has led to an increase in interracial and interethnic marriages and births.

But this demographic shift doesn’t just affect adults; it also has a major impact on future generations. Currently, more than half of all children in the U.S. are multiracial or biracial — and by 2043, that number is expected to rise to 60 percent.

As more people of different backgrounds choose to marry each other and have children, our society will become even more racially and ethnically diverse over time.

This no doubt contributes to the fact that diversity, equity, and inclusion are values highly held by Gen Z. The Washington Post states that diversity and inclusion in the workplace are no longer preferences; They are requirements.

While Gen Zers have many commonalities with millennials, they are also very different from them. Their values are more open to change and diversity, and their outlook on life is shaped by their experiences growing up in a time of rapid technological and cultural change.

As more and more of this generation enter the workplace, new characteristics and preferences will be discovered. It is going to be an adventure learning about them!

Gen Z brings their values and beliefs into the workforce and believes their values should be at the heart of their work

Another fun fact about Gen Z is that more than any other generation before them, Gen Z is known for looking to their employers to lend purpose and meaning to what they do. Gen Zers want to make the world a better place, and they want their employer to make the world a better place.

Before Gen Z accepts a job, they do their research, discovering the ethics and values of a company. Business ethics are the values a company upholds throughout its day-to-day operations. Ethical considerations include human rights, the climate and environment, and an inclusive culture.

Not only must companies have strong ethics, but they must also demonstrate they take action consistent with their ethics and values. In a recent study, 31% of Gen Z respondents said they would turn down a job if a company had poor sustainability and ethics.

When choosing their employer, Gen Z in know for looking at the company’s culture. They want an organization with heart, that practices good work-life balance, flexibility, continued learning and development, opportunities for career advancement, and mental wellness programs. They are also willing to turn down job offers that don’t align with their values.

Gen Z has a voice and is comfortable expressing their opinions

Social media opened the door to sharing perspectives and engaging in discourse is common. Gen Z’ers are eager to share their ideas and opinions and have no problem challenging the status quo.

Gen Z has never known a time without social media. Social media allows Gen Zers to expand their horizons, cross borders, and become more educated on current social issues. Gen Z uses social media channels as their platform to evoke change.

Gen Z is known for standing up for their beliefs. Some attribute the Gen Z voice to the Parkland shootings. On February 14, 2018, a 19-year-old opened fire on students and staff at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in the Miami suburban town of Parkland, Florida, murdering 17 people while injuring 17.

The leaders in the community did not give the students the answers or hope they needed. It took the voices of the Gen Z students to speak out. The students called out the NRA and gave solace, inspiration, and hope to students and parents while shaming leaders responsible for the nation's lax gun laws. Their voices quickly went viral.

Gen Zers are fiscally conservative and have a keen focus on income, investing, and spending

Having come of age during the Great Recession, many saw their parents, relatives, and even their older brothers and sisters getting laid off, and they said that that’s not going to happen to them!

Today inflation and the threat of a looming recession, higher interest rates, and seeing their Millennial siblings struggling with college and financial debt continue to influence GenZ’s attitude towards money.

Deloitte’s Global 2022 study on Gen Z and Millennials found that 29% of Gen Z and 36% of Millennials say that the cost of day-to-day living, including groceries, housing, and transportation is their #1 concern.

Almost half of Gen Zs (46%) and millennials (47%) live paycheck to paycheck and worry they won’t be able to cover their monthly expenses. That said, Generation Z individuals who are between 18 and 25, prove to be more financially sophisticated than any previous generation was at their age.

According to Investopedia, more than half of Gen Z adults (18-25) are already invested—with 26% of that group invested in the stock market and cryptocurrency. They may be investing and admit they have much more to learn.

Gen Z are Known for Being entrepreneurs

Gen Z is now the most entrepreneurial generation ever, with 62 percent of Gen Zers indicating they have started—or intend to start—their own business. FromYouTube channelstobeauty products and , Gen Z is embracing entrepreneurship.

The reasons for that involve sweeping cultural and sociological trends. The key enablers of those next-gen founders will be modern digital technologies: Social networks that make reaching large audiences possible; knowledge platforms that teach valuable business skills; and the cloud, which makes it possible to build solutions quickly, flexibly, and cost-effectively.

The pandemic and the advance of digital technologies stimulated enthusiasm and a new wave of entrepreneurship, prompting Gen Z to start their own businesses. Social networks allow for. far reaching audience, business skills taught on knowledge platforms, flexibility, and low costs allow this generation to start their own businesses.

Gen Z wants to have control over their lives, become debt-free, and enjoy what they are doing. They want to be entrepreneurs!

Generation Z is known for Being resourceful

With Google, YouTube, and TikTok, they have the world at their fingertips and can figure things out for themselves without adult supervision. They’re the first generation that doesn’t need you (or any adult) for knowledge – they can get it online. Because they are finding their answers, they are doers and activists—they jump in and do—which means they may ask for your forgiveness rather than your permission.

Gen Z, the children of Gen X, value self-reliance and independence and are self-directed. They will likely learn a new skill from watching YouTube and Tik Tok. They are a “learn by doing” hands-on generation. This generation knows how to find the information needed to succeed and are adept researchers.

Gen Zers Are Independent learners make up this generation

In addition to using YouTube, they love online educational resources such as TED Talks, Master Class, LinkedIn Learning, blogs, podcasts, etc.—they are all about the pursuit of knowledge.

This generation was born with the internet and social media; the experiences they encountered as children helped them gain early expertise with digital tools allowing them to be self-reliant as well as collaborative. Because they experienced people and cultures around the globe, they developed a greater appreciation for diversity and the importance of finding their own unique identities.

Gen Z brings conversation of mental health to the forefront

McKinsey reportsthat close to a billion people have a mental-health or substance-use disorder. As companies prepare employees to return to the workplace, removing the stigma of mental health conditions is a top priority of Generation Z. Making employees well-being and mental health a workplace priority where all employees can thrive, and feel supported is vital in today’s changing workplace

The American Psychology Association (APA) surveyed Americans aged 15 through 21 to determine the top stressors, life events, and diagnosis statistics that affect and define the nation’s youngest generation. APA’s report found the following statistics about Gen Z mental health:

  • 75 percent of Gen Zers said that mass shootings are a significant source of stress.
  • 57 percent of Gen Zers report feeling more stressed than adults about issues in the news, such as the deportation of immigrant and migrant families.
  • 53 percent of Gen Zers report significant stress surrounding sexual harassment and assault reports.
  • Gen Z is significantly more likely (27 percent) than other generations, including millennials (15 percent) and Gen Xers (13 percent), to report their mental health as fair or poor.

Gen Zers are changing the conversation around mental health are more likely to report mental health concerns than other generations. Because they grew up with social media, they are more open to sharing their personal stories and struggles.

Gen Z are justice-minded, have a heart for a mission, and get out there to make it happen

Generation Z volunteers! Maybe they will vote? Time will tell.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion is top of mind with every organization in the United States. The death of George Floyd catapulted DEI departments in all organizations large and small. If you go on the websites of any company today you will see bold statements on diversity and inclusion, and Gen Z is making sure they deliver on their promises.

Unsurprisingly, most young people demand equal access to opportunities and social justice. Many Gen Zers are known to only work for and buy from brands that contribute to a more inclusive world.

Gen Zers are independent workers

They like their own space. They enjoy working alone on a project, and they do not appear to be as collaborative as the Millennials. And here’s some good or, maybe, bad news for parents.

Gen Z employees entering the workforce are incredibly competitive. Growing up in a competitive environment of academics and sports they bring this trait with them into the workplace.

They like their own space. Working in teams is not a negative issue for Gen Z employees, but that said, many younger employees prefer working alone on projects.

Working independently allows Gen Z to showcase their skills and abilities shining a light on their contributions. in addition, they are appreciation driven and like to receive credit for their work. The best way to motivate this generation is by appreciating and acknowledging their efforts.

To keep this generation motivated, encouraging healthy competition among employees can be productive. Recognize their hard work and encourage a culture of continuous feedback.

In Conclusion

We are seeing a generation that questions and is questioning things and forcing us to look in the mirror and challenge the status quo. They are our future. We don’t have to like or agree with everything they do and say, and I hope that some of us, sage “old ” can undoubtedly impart some wisdom on them, but the real magic happens when we both have open minds and learn from each other.

10 Fun Facts About Gen Z You Need to Know - Karen McCullough (2024)


Who was the first Gen Z ever born? ›

Key Takeaways. Generation Z (Gen Z) refers to the generation of Americans born from 1997 to 2012. Gen Z is bracketed between Millennials (born from 1981 to 1996) and Generation Alpha. The oldest members of Gen Z are starting their post-education years with careers and possibly families.

Who is the youngest person in Gen Z? ›

Generations defined by name, birth year, and ages in 2024
GenerationsBornCurrent Ages
Gen Z1997 – 201212 – 27
Millennials1981 – 199628 – 43
Gen X1965 – 198044 – 59
Boomers II (a/k/a Generation Jones)*1955 – 196460 – 69
3 more rows
Jun 26, 2024

What are Gen Z famous for? ›

As the first real digital natives, Gen Zers—speaking generally—are extremely online. Gen Zers are known for working, shopping, dating, and making friends online; in Asia, Gen Zers spend six or more hours per day on their phones.

What's fun for Gen Z? ›

Journaling, meditating, running and painting have been hobbies Gen Z uses to recenter and relax in the chaotic and fast moving world. A lot of Gen Z will take to social media in order to track their progress and hold themselves accountable for their selfcare journeys. It is trendy to be healthy and balanced.

What does Gen Z stand for? ›

After boomer comes Generation X, which was 1965 to 1980. Then came Millennial, and after that was Generation Z, or Gen Z. Gen Z refers to people born between 1995 and 2010. The 'Z' in the name means "zoomer", as this is the first generation known to 'zoom' the internet.

Why is 1995 not Gen Z? ›

As you may think, defining the two generations is based entirely on dates—in this case, years. A Millennial is anyone born between 1980 and 1995. In the U.S., there are roughly 80 million Millennials. A member of Gen Z is anyone born between 1996 and the early-mid 2000s (end date can vary depending on source).

How was Gen Z named? ›

Etymology and nomenclature. The name Generation Z is a reference to the fact that it is the second generation after Generation X, continuing the alphabetical sequence from Generation Y (Millennials).

What is the oldest age in Gen Z? ›

Gen Z is the generation born in the 15-year span from 1997 to 2012. In 2024, they will turn between 12 and 27 years old. This is the newest generation to gain influence in the world, from joining the workforce to being old enough to vote.

How long will Gen Z live? ›

The members of Generation Z, the oldest of which are now in their 20s, on average are expected to live to 100 and beyond. Health technology may or may not eventually lift Gen Zers well past that. They could be the generation that collectively hits the biological ceiling.

What age is Gen Z in 2024? ›

If you're looking to pinpoint the 'Gen Z age range,' you're likely wondering which years define Generation Z. Gen Z includes individuals born between 1997 and 2012, making them 12 to 27 years old as of 2024.

What did Gen Z invent? ›

Other examples of products created by the Inventor identity of Gen Z include the Impossible Burger, a plant-based meat alternative that was created by a team of scientists and foodies, and the solar-powered backpack, a portable charging device that was invented by a high school student.

What makes Gen Z unique? ›

Gen Z are not 'coddled. ' They are highly collaborative, self-reliant and pragmatic, according to new Stanford-affiliated research. Generation Z, the first generation never to know the world without the internet, value diversity and finding their own unique identities, says Stanford scholar Roberta Katz.

How old will Gen Z become? ›

Gen Z is the generation born in the 15-year span from 1997 to 2012. In 2024, they will turn between 12 and 27 years old.

How many kids will Gen Z have? ›

Gen Zers only plan to have one kid—and that's bad news for our graying nation. Constrained by the childcare crises and student loans, Gen Zers aren't looking to have many kids. Family pictures are set to look a bit less crowded these days.

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