10 Best Tips to Change Your Mindset About Money (2024)

Money mindset seems to be one of those popular fad buzzwords of the 21st century. But there is some substance to it. There is such an emotional charge to the topic of money.

People’s relationship with money can vary, but many times it carries with it strong emotions. Rich people are selfish, evil, or crooked. Money is the root of all evil. I will never be rich.

I have heard so many people say they just want “enough.” Enough to pay their bills and have a little spending money in their pockets.

But what if you could have more? What if you could have enough for those things AND create a scholarship in your dad’s name, donate a box of food to the food pantry each month, and pay for Financial Peace for the young, struggling couple at your church?

If you had those opportunities, would you pass it up? How would more money improve your life?

What is a Money Mindset?

A money mindset is your attitude and beliefs about money. It controls how you handle personal finance and guides you in making every single financial decision you make.

If you can understand your mindset and where it comes from, you can improve your relationship, make better choices, and look toward a healthier financial future. Its time to get physical and work on some money mindest exercises.

10 Best Tips to Change Your Mindset About Money (1)

How to Change Your Money Mindset

Because beliefs are only thoughts that you think over and over, training yourself to think different thoughts can change your life. Deciding on the person you want to be. Creating new habits around money can bring those concepts to fruition.

Not only do you have to create this new belief system but you actually have to believe it. Saying over and over again I am a healthy, beautiful woman is going to seem awkward at first and you may not believe it at the start.

But the more you say it and the more you hear it, you will start to believe it.

Changing your money mindset will take time and practice. It’s taken years for you to create the paradigms you already have (with a lot of help from your environment) so it may take a while to change your thoughts.

Understand Your Relationship With Money

Where did you learn about money, and what were you taught? Merely understanding where your money concepts come from is the first step in changing your money mindset.

Creating a new money mindset is just creating a new habit. Merely being conscious of the new practice that you would like to form and attaching it to an existing habit.

Financial wellness is a real thing. Having a healthy financial relationship means that your money mindset is positive, with limited stress.

Be Aware of Your Limiting Beliefs

Limiting beliefs are simply the ideas you have in your head from WAY back. They could be from your parents and the ways they communicated about money.

Is that where you heard things like, “Money doesn’t grow on trees, ya know!” or “Do you think I’m made of money?”

Were you always reminded that they didn’t have enough money or that you needed to work hard to make more?

Were there money fights? Did you decide that money was associated with scarcity and anger?

Limiting beliefs come from our parents, our own experiences, and stories we have heard from others.

These are beliefs about money that drives our financial choices. Most of the time, we are not even aware of them.

10 Best Tips to Change Your Mindset About Money (2)

How to Create a Positive Money Attitude

Forgive yourself for past money mistakes.

I think this one is the most difficult. Nobody is perfect, right? So, maybe you got in too deep and had to file bankruptcy, or your car was repossessed.

Stuff happens, and forgiving yourself for those incidences is so vital to changing that money mindset.

Also, knowing that there will be other mistakes, and you have the tools to get through those moments BECAUSE of what you have learned from the past will get you through these other mistakes.

But, make sure you have learned something. ANd put resources into place in case they happen again.

Appreciate what you have.

Practice gratitude for who and what’s around you. I know this sometimes feels awkward, but trust me when I say, it works.

Make a list of things that you are grateful for.

It could be simple like the sheets on your bed or as profound as the work your husband goes to every day while putting himself in harm’s way to save others.

Many people choose to do this first thing in the morning or right before bed at night. I don’t think it matters, but doing it as often as you can only benefit you.

Even when you are feeling negative about work or family, taking the two minutes to write down as much as you can to be grateful for will turn your mindset upside down.

Appreciate what you already have. To break the scarcity mindset, you need to be grateful for what you already have. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never have enough.

Be grateful. Practice contentment.

Allow yourself time to daydream.

Allowing yourself to daydream a little is putting what you want out into the universe.

Asking is the first step in getting. So deciding what you want first by way of dreaming big dreams lets you pick positive concepts to go after. You do not know how to get there; you just need to know what you want.

Consider creating a vision board or dream board to give yourself a reminder of where you want to be.

Stop comparing yourself to others.

You only have control over you.

You cannot control others.

You control what you think and how you feel.

So, without all of the information, you do not know what your neighbor has or doesn’t have. Yep, that’s a great new Cadillac in the driveway of their big, fancy house.

They now have so much debt; they are putting groceries on credit cards hoping that this one won’t be declined. Because the other two are maxed out.

Or, that is a five-year-old Cadillac. Her Mama just passed away. That car used to be hers, and it holds her Mama’s memory inside it.

You don’t know, and frankly, it’s none of your business. You take care of you.

10 Best Tips to Change Your Mindset About Money (3)

How to Change Your Negative Mindset

Changing a negative mindset means you have to know what your limiting beliefs are. This is a bit trickier than you might think. Because you have been living with these limiting beliefs most of your life, you might not even be hearing them. They are just a part of your inner headspace that play over and over again.

So being in tune with your thoughts is the first step. Listening to what you think – really listen.

The best way to do this is to take a feelings inventory. When you are thinking of money or working on your budget, take note of how it makes you feel.

When you are lying in bed at niht and can’t sleep because a money stressor is spinning around your head like its on a hampster wheel, take a moment to ask why you are feeling so stressed about money.

Evaluate your thoughts in that moment – you may as well be productive if you’re not sleeping anyway.

Ask the question,why are you feeling this way? After the question is answered, ask why again, and then even one more time.

Then ask yourself what belief makes you feel this way.

Eventually, getting to the limiting belief might be: no matter what I do, I can’t seem to get ahead.

Fixing a Negative Mindset Thought

Now that we know what the negative mindset thought is, we can then start practicing our thought from abundance.

Repeat after me, “Everything always works out for me and money comes easily to me.”

Exercise Your Financial Muscle

There are some fantastic mindest experts out there just waiting for you to find them. Read their books. Listen to their podcasts. Watch them on youtube.

The more you hear and immerse yourself in, the more excited you will get, and the motivation will easily flow.

Who doesn’t love exercises, right? Get inspired by these favorites and get pumped.

Check out Bob Proctor, Abraham Hicks, Jen Sincero, and Marie Forleo.

Chose Abundance Over Scarcity

Once you realize that the universe is full of abundance, and there is enough money for everyone, you will find the ease that your money mindset is transformed.

Scarcity means there isn’t enough for you. It means that there isn’t enough money for you to have all you want.

Scarcity comes from a place of lacking.

You think you are not worthy. And you feel that financial freedom could never really happen to you.

Abundance means that there is plenty for everyone. It’s not coming from greed but an overflowing cup.

Having an abundance mindset stems from a place of love and focuses on the big picture.

Coming from a place of abundance will help transform your money mindset.

Focusing on abundance will squeeze out any negative feelings that might creep back in from your old thoughts and beliefs.

10 Best Tips to Change Your Mindset About Money (4)

How to Change Your Mindset to Positive With Goals

I love goals. I am very goal-oriented. And I like time limits, too! Creating financial goals can assist the money mindset process.

Even if they are the smallest goals, those will shift the way you feel about your money. If you think that you never have enough money and you are not good at managing it, try a spending freeze for one day.

Decide that you will not spend any money today. That is an achievable goal. Bring your lunch to work, don’t stop for coffee before work, and come up with a plan for dinner that night, so there are no “emergency stops” at the grocery store or pizza deliveries to your door.

Then write it down and put it where you will see it. Stick that goal to your computer screen or make it your wallpaper on your phone. Just make it visible.

Then, after the boost in confidence, when you achieve that goal, set a bigger goal. Little by little, you will be accomplishing great things, and your financial life will start to change.

Believe That Being Rich is a Mindset and Build Wealth

Sincerely, believe it. Believe it down to your core. Find your faith in yourself, put your mind to it, and get it done. But if you don’t believe it, you don’t stand a chance.

Do you want to be a millionaire in ten years, then think you will be and find the ways to make that happen. Take the steps needed to set those wheels in motion.

Do you want to start your own business? How about creating a Fitness Blog? Become a plumber, maybe? So, what do you need to get there, and what steps can you do TODAY to make that happen?

The “fake it til ya make it” cliche can reign true. If you can practice these thoughts over and over again – and BELIEVE what you are saying, you will open the door to these big goals.

End Finance Stress

Budget. There. I wrote it.

The best way to not be stressed about money and to create a money mindset that gives you peace is to tell your money exactly where to go.

There is a sense of total control when you know where your money is going, the exact amount of money you have and owe, and you have allocated a destination for every single dollar.

Budgeting is the right key to forming a positive relationship with money. Knowing that you are the boss of where your money goes puts you in the driver’s seat.

Do boys need new sneakers? There’s money for that. Is Car registration due? Got it. Vacation to the beach? All set. Stress-free living – a beautiful money mindset.

Ignoring your finances will not improve your money mindset. It will just make it so much worse.

Having a financial plan to save money, build an emergency fund, and keep track of what’s in your bank account will improve not only the way you feel about money but your entire financial situation in the short term and the long run.

10 Best Tips to Change Your Mindset About Money (5)

Create a Mantra

When I hear the word mantra, I am always reminded of the book (and movie) The Help by Katheryn Stockett. Aibileen often whispers to the little girl she is caring for, “You is kind. You are smart. You are important.” Now, that is a great mantra!

A mantra is just a sentence or two that you repeat over and over until you believe it to be true.

Harv Eker writes a declaration at the end of each chapter of Secrets of the Millionaire Mind (one of my favorite books – review found here) where he asks you to place your hand on your heart and say a few words.

It could be something like, “I have a millionaire mind!” or “I love to exercise!” Check out my list above for some Money Mantras that will get you started.

To create a good money mantra, you need a few key points. It needs to be short and straightforward. It needs to be about money, and out needs to be positive.

Examples of Money Mantras:

  • Money comes easily to me.
  • I love money and money loves me.
  • I am a money magnet.
  • I am connected to the universal supply of money.
  • Money is not pie. There is enough for everyone.

Give Yourself Some Grace

And finally, go forward with grace in your heart. Do not beat yourself up for your past or future mistakes. Remember, your thoughts control your behaviors.

So, if you THINK you are good with money and you BELIEVE you are good with money, then you will BE good with money.

Push those negative thoughts out of your head and create the money mindset that you want. Achieve your dreams.

10 Best Tips to Change Your Mindset About Money (6)

Final Thoughts on Best Tips to Change Your Mindset About Money…

Changing your money mindset is a lot of self-work. But with plenty of practice, you can see your life change before your eyes. In order to have money flow to you, you have to believe that not only are you worthy of more money but that it’s so easy for you to get it.

Finances are not a struggle and you are perfectly capable of having all that you want.

10 Best Tips to Change Your Mindset About Money (2024)


How do I change my mindset about money? ›

Below, you'll find a few tips to help you create a positive money mindset.
  1. Forgive Your Past Financial Mistakes. ...
  2. Understand Your Thoughts and Emotions Surrounding Money. ...
  3. Realize That Comparing Yourself to Others is a Losing Game. ...
  4. Work on Forming Good Habits. ...
  5. Create a Budget That Brings You Joy. ...
  6. Remember to be Thankful.

How to change concept about money? ›

Master your money mindset
  1. Step 1: Reflect on your financial perspective. ...
  2. Step 2: Adopt a positive money mindset. ...
  3. Step 3: Shift your mindset to save money. ...
  4. Step 4: Monitor your spending. ...
  5. Step 5: Commit to changing your money habits.

How to change poor mindset to rich mindset? ›

If you want to go from a poor mindset to a rich mindset, focus on improving yourself and how you think about things. For example, practice gratitude with a daily gratitude list, meditate, and surround yourself with people who are positive. Make sure to set clear goals and gain as much knowledge as possible.

How can I rewire my brain for money? ›

6 steps to rewire bad money habits
  1. Identify your triggers. Let's say you've developed a shopping vice. ...
  2. Stop the physical repetition. Habits are reinforced by repetition. ...
  3. Consider a spending fast. ...
  4. Practice mindfulness. ...
  5. Envision the bigger goal. ...
  6. Work with a professional.

How do I change my attitude about money? ›

4 Tricks to Change Your Attitude Toward Saving Money
  1. Give Your Saving Accounts Nicknames. If you look at your savings account and get excited, you're probably unique. ...
  2. Paint a Powerful Mental Picture. ...
  3. Reward Yourself for Savings Successes. ...
  4. Leverage Easy Opportunities. ...
  5. Get the Latest Financial Tips.
Feb 14, 2023

How do I stop thinking about money so much? ›

How to stop worrying about money and start living
  1. Get grounded: Practice relaxing breathing exercises and meditation. ...
  2. Create financial goals: Set clear, achievable objectives. ...
  3. Make a budget: Track finances and control spending. ...
  4. Schedule money check-ins: Regularly review your financial situation.
Mar 12, 2024

How to detach emotions from money? ›

To better separate your emotions from your money, we've created four steps to help you become more confident and less stressed about your financial future.
  1. Start with a budget. ...
  2. Get comfortable being uncomfortable. ...
  3. Ask questions and understand your finances. ...
  4. Check in and update your goals.
Jun 23, 2023

How do you change money behavior? ›

Breaking financial patterns can be made easier with some tried and tested behavioral modification techniques.
  1. Prompt yourself at the point of decision-making. ...
  2. Identify your incentive to change your financial behavior. ...
  3. Compete with a friend to see who can reduce your spending first. ...
  4. Alter your default choice.
Jul 8, 2016

What is the richest mindset? ›

Here are the 3 mindsets and habits that make ordinary people wealthy.
  • Mindset #1: Grow from your comfort zone. Most people don't become rich because they don't take action. ...
  • Mindset #2: Optimize your environment. ...
  • Mindset #3: Think 50% when you spend.
Nov 28, 2023

How can I train my mind to be rich? ›

  1. 6 Steps to Train Your Brain to Make Money. Wealth Wisdom Ink. ...
  2. Step 1: Set a Clear Goal. Let's start by setting a very clear financial goal. ...
  3. Step 2: Accept the idea of sacrifice. ...
  4. Step 3: Create a Detailed Plan. ...
  5. Step 4: Set a Deadline. ...
  6. Step 5: Turn your plan into a personal statement. ...
  7. Step 6: Rehearse with Strong Belief.
Sep 9, 2023

What is a poor man's mindset? ›

A scarcity mindset, or poor mindset, is associated with having a very near-term focus, Whichello explained. “Individuals with this mindset are more concerned with meeting their immediate needs and wants than planning for the future or saving for long-term goals.”

How do I change my negative beliefs about money? ›

If your limiting thoughts become too overwhelming, try replacing them with thoughts like 'I know I am afraid, but there's no reason. We have enough money for everyone this month. ' or 'I'm worried about not earning enough. That's what my mother or father used to say.

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Author: Gregorio Kreiger

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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

Birthday: 1994-12-18

Address: 89212 Tracey Ramp, Sunside, MT 08453-0951

Phone: +9014805370218

Job: Customer Designer

Hobby: Mountain biking, Orienteering, Hiking, Sewing, Backpacking, Mushroom hunting, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.