10 API Testing Tips for Beginners (SOAP & REST) (2024)

An APIis essentially the “middle man” of the layers and systems within an application or software.

API (application programming interface) testing is performed at the message layer without GUI. It is a part of integration testing that determines whether the APIs meet the testers’ expectations of functionality, reliability, performance, and security.

10 API Testing Tips for Beginners (SOAP & REST) (1)

There are two broad classes of web services for Web API: SOAP and REST.

SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) is a standard protocol defined by the W3C standards for sending and receiving web service requests and responses.

REST (Representational State Transfer) is the web standards-based architecture that uses HTTP. Unlike SOAP-based Web services, there is no official standard for RESTful Web APIs.

Read More: What is API? A Clear and Simple Explanation With 10 Examples

Here are 10 basic tips that you need to know for API testing:

1. Understand API requirements

Before testing your APIs, you need to answer these questions to thoroughly understand the API’s requirements:

  • What is the API’s purpose?

Knowing the purpose of the API will set a firm foundation for you to well prepare your test data for input and output. This step also helps you define the verification approach. For example, for some APIs, you will verify the responses against the database; and for some others, it is better to verify the responses against other APIs.

  • What is the workflow of the application; and where is the API in that flow?

Generally, APIs of an application are used to manipulate its resources in reading (GET), creating (POST), updating (PUT) and deleting (DELETE). Knowing the purpose of the API will set a firm foundation for you to well prepare your API testing data for input and output.

In addition, this step also helps you define the verification approach. For example, for some APIs, you will verify the responses against the database; and for some others, it is better to verify the responses against other APIs.

For example, the output of the “Create user” API will be the input of the “Get user” API for verification. The output of the “Get user” API can be used as the input of the “Update user” API, and so on.

Read More: What is an API Sandbox?

2. Specify the API output status

The most common API output you need to verify in API testing is the response status code.

Verifying if the response code equals to 200 or not to decide whether an API testing is passed or failed is familiar to new API testers. This is not a wrong verification. However, it does not reflect all test scenarios of the API.

All API response status codes are separated into five classes (or categories) in a global standard. The first digit of the status code defines the class of response. The last two digits do not have any class or categorization role.

There are five values for the first digit:

  • 1xx (Informational): The request is received and continues to be processed
  • 2xx (Successful): The request is successfully received, understood, and accepted
  • 3xx (Redirection): Further action needs to be taken to complete the request
  • 4xx (Client Error): The request contains the wrong syntax or cannot be fulfilled
  • 5xx (Server Error): The server fails to fulfill an apparently valid request

However, the actual response status code of an API is specified by the development team that built the API. So as a tester, you need to verify whether:

  • The code follows global standard classes
  • The code is specified in the requirement.

3. Focus on small functional APIs

In a testing project, there are always some APIs that are simple with only one or two inputs such as login API, get token API, health check API, etc. However, these APIs are necessary and are considered as the “gate” to enter further APIs. Focusing on these APIs before the others will ensure that the API servers, environment, and authentication work properly.

You should also avoid testing more than one API in a test case. It is painful if errors occur because you will have to debug the data flow generated by API in a sequence. Keep your testing as simple as possible. There are some cases in which you need to call a series of API to achieve an end-to-end testing flow. However, these tasks should come after all APIs have been individually tested.

Read More: Sample Test Cases For API That You Will Need (With Test Case Template To Download)

4. Organize API endpoints

A testing project may have a few or even hundreds of APIs for testing. We highly suggest that you organize them into categories for better test management. It takes one extra step but will significantly help you create test scenarios with high coverage and integration. Take JIRA’s API, for example:

10 API Testing Tips for Beginners (SOAP & REST) (3)

10 API Testing Tips for Beginners (SOAP & REST) (4)

APIs in the same category share some common information such as resource type, path, etc. Organizing your tests with the same structures will make your test reusable and extendable with integration flow.

Read More: Top 30+ Web API Testing Interview Questions

5. Leverage automation capability for API testing

Leverage automation to speed up your API testing process as much and as early as possible. Here are some significant benefits of automating API tests:

  • Test data and execution history can be saved along with API endpoints. This makes it easier to rerun tests later.
  • API tests are stable and changed with care. An API reflects a business rule of the system. Any change in the API needs an explicit requirement; so testers can always stay alert of any changes and adjust them on time.
  • Test execution is much faster compared to Web UI test
  • API testing is considered black-box testing in which the users send input and get output for verification. Automation with a data-driven approach — i.e. applying different datasets in the same test scenario — can help increase API test coverage
  • Data input and output follow some specific templates or models so that you can create test scripts only once. These test scripts can also be reused throughout the entire testing project.
  • API tests can be performed at the early stage of the software development lifecycle. An automation approach with mocking techniques can help verify API and its integration before the actual API is developed. Hence, the level of dependency within the team is reduced.

There are 2 approaches for you to choose from:

  1. Leverage automation testing frameworks that support API testing
  2. Leverage automation testing tools with API testing capabilities

6. Choose a suitable automation tool

A further step to leverage the automation capability of API testing is choosing the most or a set of suitable API testing tools from hundreds of options in the market. Here are some criteria that you should consider when choosing an API testing automated testing tool:

  • Does the tool support test the API/Web service types that your AUT (Application Under Test) is using? It will not make sense if the selected tool supports testing RESTful services while your AUT is using SOAP services.
  • Does the tool support the authorization methods that your AUT services require? Here are some authorization methods that your API can use:
  • No Auth
  • Bearer Token
  • Basic auth
  • Digest Auth
  • NTLM Authentication
  • OAuth 1.0
  • OAuth 2.0
  • Hawk Authentication
  • AWS Signature

This is an essential task since you cannot start testing an API without authorization.

  • Does the tool support import API/Web service endpoints from WSDL, Swagger, WADL, and other service specifications? This is an optional feature. However, it will be time-consuming if you have hundreds of APIs to test.
  • Does the tool support data-driven methods? This is also an optional feature. However, your test coverage will increase dramatically if the tool has this function.
  • Last but not least, besides API testing, do you need to perform other types of testing, such as WebUI or data source? API testing is performed at the business layer between data sources and UI. It is normal that all these layers have to be tested. A tool that supports all testing types would be an ideal choice so that your test objects and test scripts can be shared across all layers.

7. Choose suitable verification methods

While the response status code tells the status of the request, the response body content is what an API returns with the given input.

An API response content varies from data types to sizes. The responses can be in plain text, a JSON data structure, an XML document, and more. They can be a simple few-word string (even empty), or a hundred-page JSON/XML file. Hence, it is essential to choose a suitable verification method for a given API.

10 API Testing Tips for Beginners (SOAP & REST) (5)

Katalon Studio has provided rich libraries to verify different data types using matching, regular expression, JsonPath, and XmlPath.

Generally, there are some basic methods to verify an API response body content:

  • Compare the whole response body content with the expected information

This method is suitable for a simple response with static contents. Dynamic information such as date time, increasing ID, etc. will cause trouble in the assertion.

  • Compare each attribute value of the response

For those responses in JSON or XML format, it is easy to get the value of a given key or attribute. Hence, this method is helpful when verifying dynamic content, or individual value rather than the whole content.

  • Compare matching with regular expression

Together with verifying individual attribute values, this method is used to verify data responses with a specific pattern to handle complex dynamic data.

Each verification method has pros and cons, and there is no one-size-fits-all option. You need to choose the solution that best fits your testing project.

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8. Create positive and negative tests

API testing requires both positive and negative tests to ensure that the API is working correctly. Since API testing is considered a type of black-box testing, both types of testings are driven by input and output data. There are a few suggestions for test scenario generation:

  • Positive test
    • Verify that the API receives input and returns the expected output as specified in the requirement.
    • Verify that the response status code is returned as specified in the requirement, whether it returns a 2xx or error code.
    • Specify input with minimum required fields and with maximum fields.
  • Negative test
    • Verify that the API returns an appropriate response when the expected output does not exist.
    • Perform input validation test.
    • Verify the API’s behaviors with different levels of authorization.

Read More: Top 100+ Test Cases For The Login Page & Top 100+ Test Cases For eCommerce Websites

9. Live testing process

Scheduling API test execution every day while the testing process is live is highly recommended. Since API test execution is fast, stable, and small enough, it is easy to add more tests into the current testing process with minimum risks. This is only possible with automated API testing tools that come with features like:

  • Test scheduling with built-in test commands
  • Integration with test management tools and defect tracking tools
  • Continuous Integration with various leading CI tools
  • Visual log reports generation

Once the testing process is completed, you can get the result of those tests every day. If failed tests occur, you can check the outputs and validate issues to have proper solutions.

Read More: What is Live Testing? A Complete Guide

10. Do not underestimate API automation testing

API testing flow is quite simple with three main steps:

  • Send the request with necessary input data
  • Get the response having output data
  • Verify that the response returned as expected in the requirement

The most touch parts of API testing are not either sending requests or receiving the response. They are test data management and verification. It is common that testing a few first APIs such as login, query some resources, etc. is quite simple.

The testing task becomes more and more difficult to further APIs. Therefore, the API testing task is easy to be underestimated.

At some point in time, you would find yourself in the middle of choosing a good approach for test data and verification methods. It is because the returned data have similar structures, but not the same in a testing project.

Furthermore, deciding the right one would be difficult if you should verify the JSON/XML data key by key, or use object mapping to leverage the power of programming language.

Considering API automation testing a real development project is highly suggested. It should be structured to be extendable, reusable, and maintainable.

Start out your API Testing journey with ease – Katalon Studio

There you have it: 10 API Testing Tips for you to set foot in the wonders of API Testing, no sweat.

Whether experienced or just starting out with API Testing, Katalon Studio is an optimal solution regardless of the level of expertise. Equipped with minimum maintenance requirements, integrations with CI/CD and DevOps practices and so much more.

There are reasons why Katalon is widely acclaimed by the testing community and on G2:

  • Katalon provides testers with 3 test creation modes:
    • No-code: Testers can utilize the Record-and-Playback feature to automate tests by recording their manual actions on-screen and converting them into reusable automated test scripts.
    • Low-code: testers can leverage Katalon's library of Built-in Keywords, which are customizable pre-written code snippets designed to execute specific actions. For instance, a keyword like "Click" handles the logic to locate and interact with elements without requiring the tester to work with the underlying code.
    • Full-code: For those who prefer full control, Katalon offers the full-code mode, allowing them to write test scripts from scratch. The flexibility to switch between modes enables testers to choose the most suitable approach for their needs, combining the convenience of point-and-click mechanisms with the power of scripting.
  • Katalon streamlines the entire testing process by providing a unified workspace where testers can plan, write, organize tests into suites, execute tests across different environments, and generate reports—all within the same platform.

Start Katalon Free Trial

Learn how to better optimize your API tests with Katalon and LambdaTest with Katalon Academy here

Read more:

  • Postman Alternatives
  • Top APITesting Tools
  • 50+ API Interview and Questions
10 API Testing Tips for Beginners (SOAP & REST) (2024)


10 API Testing Tips for Beginners (SOAP & REST)? ›

Plan and design the API tests before starting the testing process. Use a testing framework that provides robust features to automate API testing. Create test data covering a wide range of scenarios and edge cases. Verify the API's functional behavior, security, and performance.

How do I start API testing for beginners? ›

Plan and design the API tests before starting the testing process. Use a testing framework that provides robust features to automate API testing. Create test data covering a wide range of scenarios and edge cases. Verify the API's functional behavior, security, and performance.

How to test SOAP and REST API? ›

Testing REST Services
  1. Step 1: Creating the Rest Project. SoapUI offers several different ways to get started. ...
  2. Step 2: View the Response. You have made your first project and should now see the Request editor pictured below. ...
  3. Step 3: Create a Test Case. ...
  4. Step 4: Create Assertion.
Jul 23, 2024

What are the four methods API testing? ›

The important and most commonly used API methods are:
  • GET request.
  • POST request.
  • PUT request.
  • DELETE request.
  • Exploratory testing: Just like the name suggests the testers explore the application to identify bugs. ...
  • Usability testing: This type of testing depends on the API structure, usability goal and user segment. ...
  • Ad.

What is REST vs SOAP API for dummies? ›

SOAP messages are larger, which makes communication slower. REST has faster performance due to smaller messages and caching support. SOAP is difficult to scale. The server maintains state by storing all previous messages exchanged with a client.

What is basic API for beginner? ›

In a nutshell, the following steps make up an API call:
  • Specifying the HTTP method for the request like GET, POST, PUT, or DELETE.
  • Adding necessary HTTP headers.
  • Sending the request to the API's endpoint.
Apr 19, 2024

What is the basic knowledge of API testing? ›

API testing is a type of software testing that analyzes an application programming interface (API) to verify that it fulfills its expected functionality, security, performance and reliability. The tests are performed either directly on the API or as part of integration testing.

How to test a rest API? ›

Steps for Testing REST API
  1. Step 1: Get Advanced REST Client. First, you must download Advanced REST through Google Chrome's web store. ...
  2. Step 2: Enter Your Information. ...
  3. Step 3: Enter and Confirm the Headers Set. ...
  4. Step 4: Enter the Body Content. ...
  5. Step 5: Start the Test. ...
  6. Step 6: Review the Results.
Jun 12, 2024

How many tools for API testing? ›

What Tool is Best for API Testing? Several examples of API tools are used for testing APIs. Popular API testing tools include Testsigma, Postman, SoapUI, REST-assured, Assertible, JMeter, Karate DSL, and Apache JMeter.

How API testing is done manually? ›

API testing can be either manual or automated. Manual API testing involves manually sending requests to an application's interface and verifying the responses, while automated API testing utilizes specialized software tools to send requests and validate responses.

What is SOAP API with an example? ›

SOAP (also known as Simple Object Access Protocol) is a secure way to build APIs, and it works by encoding data in the XML format. REST (Representational State Transfer) APIs are more flexible, and they support data transfer in different formats, including XML, HTML, plain text, JSON, and more.

What is REST API with example? ›

REST APIs communicate through HTTP requests to perform standard database functions like creating, reading, updating and deleting records (also known as CRUD) within a resource. For example, a REST API would use a GET request to retrieve a record. A POST request creates a new record.

What is an endpoint in API? ›

API endpoints serve as the specific digital locations where client requests for information are sent by one program to retrieve the digital resource that exists there. They're the points at which the client and the server communicate, enabling two applications to share resources. Proper functioning of software.

Is API testing easy to learn? ›

API testing can be one of the most challenging parts of software and QA testing because APIs can be complicated, they are often based on protocols and standards that we often do no encounter in other kinds of testing.

How do I use Postman to test API for beginners? ›

How to Test API Using Postman?
  1. Sign up for a Postman Account. The first step is to create an account on Postman. ...
  2. Create a New Request. ...
  3. Enter Request Methods, Parameters. ...
  4. Send the Request. ...
  5. Create a Postman Collection. ...
  6. Add Requests to the Collection. ...
  7. Use the Postman Collection Runner. ...
  8. Analyze the Test Results.
Jul 12, 2024

How to make an API step by step? ›

Choosing your API design tools
  1. In the console, open the navigation menu and click Developer Services. Under API Management, click Gateways.
  2. On the APIs page, click Create API Resource and specify its Name. ...
  3. Click Create to create the new API resource.
  4. Write the backend code. ...
  5. Test the backend code. ...
  6. Deploy.

What is required for API-first? ›

Implementing API-first requires planning, collaboration, and tools for key functions identification, API contract creation, and automated API generation.

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Author: Sen. Emmett Berge

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Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

Birthday: 1993-06-17

Address: 787 Elvis Divide, Port Brice, OH 24507-6802

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Hobby: Cycling, Model building, Kitesurfing, Origami, Lapidary, Dance, Basketball

Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.